Sustainability policy

sustainability policy

We take sustainability seriously.

Here's our policy:

1. We plant a tree for every single card game we sell. Each card game uses paper to make, plus some fuel to transport it to wherever it's going in the world. This tree we plant is a native tree planted through our partners at Switch2Zero, who specialise in reforestation programmes like this. It eats into our profit margins a bit, but we recognise that our planet is more important than that.

2. We also donate 2% of all our sales value to charity. Currently this is going towards The Retreat Animal Sanctuary, a fantastic sanctuary in Kent, England that has been educating the public for the last 30-odd years about veganism. By helping The Retreat with what we can, we are (hopefully!) helping to create the next generation of conscientious, empathic vegans who live life trying to do no harm to people, animals or planet.

3. We, the Founders of This Is Not A Game Ltd., are vegans of 5 years and have taken the Flight Free UK pledge, and cut our emissions wherever we can.

4. We bank with Monzo. We recognise that no banks are really that good from a climate or animal rights perspective, but we've got to have a bank somewhere. Monzo are rated by Bank.Green as a 'Good' bank, which is better than nothing. We purposefully avoid terrible banks like HSBC or Barclays in both our personal and our business lives.

5. We commit to improving the sustainability of our games and other products wherever and whenever we can. If you have any ideas for us, we're always accessible at:

rory {at} thisisnotagame {dot} co

Thank you for reading our sustianability policy!